Under Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, users of the Véritable SAS site are informed of the identity of the various parties involved in carrying it out and of its follow-up:



6 Boulevard des Monts d'Or


simplified joint-stock company

Share capital: 74,006 euros

RCS Lyon 811 899 392

Intra-community VAT n ° FR58 811 899 392


Represented by Mr. Nicolas GEHIN, President

Publication director / Webmaster:

Mr. Nicolas GEHIN, President

Website host:


29 rue Verdun, 39800 Poligny - France


General terms of use of the website and services offered

The website of Véritable SAS provide information concerning all of the company's activities.

Véritable SAS strives to provide as accurate information as possible on the website. However, it cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and deficiencies in the update, whether they be its own fault or that of the third party partners who provide it with this information.

All the information indicated on the Véritable SAS site is given for information only, and is subject to change.

Property rights

Unless otherwise stated in a text, all elements of this website (including trademarks, domain names, texts, graphics, logos, sounds, photos and animations) are the property of Véritable SAS.

The protection of the https://www.veritable-potager.fr website is therefore subject to national and international laws relating to intellectual property law.

No content from the website https://www.veritable-potager.fr may be copied, printed, reproduced even in part, transformed, disseminated, downloaded, or transmitted in any form and in any way whatsoever, without the prior written authorization from Véritable SAS.


Any unauthorized use of the site or any element it contains will be considered as constituting an infringement and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.


Likewise, information databases are protected under the law applicable to data compilations. So that any extraction or attempted extraction, whether total or partial, is likely to engage the civil and criminal responsibilities of any offender.

Personal data management and privacy policy

In accordance with the law, the Véritable SAS site has been declared to the CNIL (receipt n ° 1922953).

In France, personal data is notably protected by law n ° 78-87 of January 6, 1978, law n ° 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, article L. 226-13 of the Penal Code and the European Directive of October 24, 1995.

When using this site, information may be collected: the URL of the links through which the user has accessed the site, the user's access provider, the address of Internet protocol (IP) of the user.

In any case Véritable SAS collects personal information relating to the user only for the need of certain services offered by Véritable SAS. The user provides this information with full knowledge of the facts, especially when he enters it himself. It is then clear to the user of the Véritable SAS site whether or not to provide this information.

In accordance with the provisions of articles 38 and following of the law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, the files and freedoms, any user has a right of access, rectification and opposition to personal data concerning him, by making his written and signed request, accompanied by a copy of the identity document with signature of the holder of the document, specifying the address to which the response must be sent.

No personal information of the user of the Véritable SAS site is published without the user's knowledge, exchanged, transferred, assigned or sold on any medium to third parties.


Like most websites, the Véritable® website uses cookies. "Cookies" are small text files that websites store about your device through your Internet browser. Many essential features of websites depend on cookies. For example, you cannot shop online without them because they keep what you put in your basket.

Some cookies used by Véritable® will collect personal data about you and use it in accordance with the privacy policy explained above. Cookies are present to allow our site to function and allow us to understand what information is most useful to visitors. By continuing to use our website and application, you therefore accept that cookies are installed on your device.