    • Pétunia
    • Pétunia



    Petunias are beautiful trumpet flowers, very colorful and delicate. Ideal to surprise your guests, combine the floods with a salad or dessert, whole or chopped. Cooked, they are famous in donuts.

    Enjoy the Véritable® Lingot® technology : 100% natural and ready-to-use refills with no pesticides or GMO's (patent-pending).

    Petunia Lingot® compatible with the whole Véritable® Garden range

    Espèce : Pétunia

    Sprout in
    1-2 weeks
    Ready in
    5-6 weeks
    4-5 months
    €7.95 Tax included
    Shipping within 2 to 3 business days

    Véritable® Lingot® 

    Enjoy the Véritable® Lingot® technology (patent-pending) : 100% natural and ready to use refills.

    Easy to use and efficient, the Lingot® composition is specific for each plant and contains :

    • Organic seeds
    • Organic soil
    • Nutrients essential to each plant

    Each parameter is optimised : spacing between seeds, depth, choice of species, substrate composition...
    Its composition is specific for each plant in order to get generous ans tasty harvests.

    The Lingots® are 100% compostable and biodegradable. They contains no pesticides or GMO's.

    Each Véritable® Garden is coming with 4 Véritable® Lingots® offered : Basil, Italian Parsley, Thyme, Dill.

    The Lingots® can be stored 1 year before use, in a cool and dry place. After this time, the germination rate can decrease.

    Usually reserved for decorative use, petunias have their place in the kitchen! With their slightly minty, spicy flavor, these flowers will delicately decorate all your dishes.

    How can pétunia be associated?

    How can pétunia be associated?

    How do you cook pétunia?

    Petunia flowers will dress up your pasta dishes, cakes and desserts of all kinds: rice pudding, chocolate mousse, lemon meringue pie...

    They're also delicious in mixed salads, and even in fritters!

    Comment récolter les fleurs de bégonia ?

    Our tips for successfully growing your pétunia

    You can start harvesting your begonia flowers after 5 to 6 weeks' growth. You'll be able to enjoy your harvest for 4 to 5 months.

    Regularly pick the largest and most beautiful flowers, but only those that have fully opened. To do this, cut off the flower with 2 cm of stem to preserve its freshness.

    Always harvest when the lights are on.

    Lingots®, a patented concentrate of technology

    These ready-to-use refills contain everything you need for growing: natural substrate, organic seeds and essential nutrients. You don't need to add anything else.

    We guarantee that every Lingot® will grow! But nature being unpredictable, some Lingots® may not grow as well as expected. If this happens, Véritable® will replace it for you.

    Le Lingot® : un condensé de technologie
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