Lingot® Naménia BIO
    • Lingot® Naménia BIO
    • Lingot® Naménia BIO

    Organic Namenia Lingot®


    Close to Asian cabbage and rich in vitamins, the Naménia reminds the taste of spinach or turnip in a little more spicy. The leaves of Namenia are crunchy. They are eaten whole, cooked or raw in salads.

    Enjoy the Véritable® Lingot® technology : 100% natural and ready-to-use refills with no pesticides or GMO's (patent-pending).

    Namenia Lingot® compatible with the whole Véritable® Garden range

    Specie : Organic Namenia Lingot®

    Sprout in
    1 week
    Ready in
    2-3 weeks
    2-3 months
    €6.95 Tax included
    Shipping within 2 to 3 business days


    Véritable® Lingot® 

    Enjoy the Véritable® Lingot® technology (patent-pending) : 100% natural and ready to use refills.

    Easy to use and efficient, the Lingot® composition is specific for each plant and contains :

    • Organic seeds
    • Organic soil
    • Nutrients essential to each plant

    Each parameter is optimised : spacing between seeds, depth, choice of species, substrate composition...
    Its composition is specific for each plant in order to get generous ans tasty harvests.

    The Lingots® are 100% compostable and biodegradable. They contains no pesticides or GMO's.

    Each Véritable® Garden is coming with 4 Véritable® Lingots® offered : Basil, Italian Parsley, Thyme, Dill.

    The Lingots® can be stored 1 year before use, in a cool and dry place. After this time, the germination rate can decrease.

    Similar to Asian cabbage and rich in vitamins, namenia is reminiscent of spinach or turnip, but a little more pungent, with crunchy leaves. They can be eaten whole, cooked or raw in salads. 

    Namenia leaves are rich in nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They are also very rich in fiber and protein.

    How can namenia be associated?

    How can namenia be associated?

    How do you cook namenia?

    Namenia is best eaten raw as a salad leaf. It makes a good base for a salad of baby greens or a sandwich.

    It can also be blended for a mild but spicy velouté!

    Comment récolter la naménia ?

    Our tips for successfully growing your namenia

    It's best to harvest them when the leaves are young and tender, before they become too fibrous.

    You can cut namenia leaves at the base of the plant using scissors or a sharp knife. Remove the outer leaves, leaving the central ones to allow new growth.

    Lingots®, a patented concentrate of technology

    These ready-to-use refills contain everything you need for growing: natural substrate, organic seeds and essential nutrients. You don't need to add anything else.

    We guarantee that every Lingot® will grow! But nature being unpredictable, some Lingots® may not grow as well as expected. If this happens, Véritable® will replace it for you.

    Le Lingot® : un condensé de technologie
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